Here is an example input file:
1. Calculations for a heavy atom like Th take a looong time. The calculation of the CCSD energy for a fixed bond separation has been running on my laptop for over 30 minutes. The limit appears to be CPU speed (one core is maxed out), and not memory.2. Reference wavefunction types:
RHF = Restricted Hartree-Fock (only suitable for $S^2 = 0$)
ROHF = Restricted Open-shell Hartree-Fock (suitable for open shells and triplets)
UHF = Unrestricted Hartree-Fock (suitable for open shells, $S^2$ is a good quantum number)
3. Relativistic basis sets:
ANO-RCC = atomic natural orbitals with relativistic contraction
UGBS = universal gaussian basis set
1. Figure out how to reduce full ANO-RCC basis set.2. Check if UGBS is faster than ANO-RCC basis set.
3. Figure out how to speed up calculations with relativistic basis sets.
4. Check dipole moments, polarizabilities & energies of simple atoms: He, Rb, Ca